- Tutoring Thursday and Friday this week, after school from 3:30 to 5:30
- Lexile Building for the month of January with Achieve3000 continues!
-Pennies for Patients fundraiser
-Coloring Books and Crayons for Los Angeles Children's Hospital
- Alphabetical Order
1st- Facilitator
2nd- Recorder/Reporter
3rd- Resource Manager
4th- Task Manager
- Pencil (no mechanical)
- iPads/CPM books
- Learning Logs
- Proofreading Pen
- Homework
- CL 5-109. For each of the following products, estimate the approximate answer. Explain your reasoning. Then multiply each set of numbers to see how close you were.

- CL 5-110. Find three fractions that are equivalent to each of the following fractions.

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