Thursday, January 17, 2019



Supplies Needed

Think Now

- Tutoring Thursday and Friday this week, after school from 3:30 to 5:30

- Lexile Building for the month of January with Achieve3000 continues!

-Pennies for Patients fundraiser

-Coloring Books and Crayons for Los Angeles Children's Hospital 

- Alphabetical Order
   1st- Facilitator
   2nd- Recorder/Reporter
   3rd- Resource Manager
   4th- Task Manager   

- Pencil (no mechanical)
- iPads/CPM books
- Learning Logs
- Proofreading Pen
- Homework

  • CL 5-109. For each of the following products, estimate the approximate answer.  Explain your reasoning.  Then multiply each set of numbers to see how close you were.
  • CL 5-110. Find three fractions that are equivalent to each of the following fractions.

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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Digital Agenda

Week of January 21-25, 2019
Math Periods 1, 3, 6
Teacher: Ms.Content
Grade Level:  6th
Lessons: 6.1.2- - 6.1.3

Standard(s): 6.NS.1

6.NS.1. Interpret and compute quotients of fractions, and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem.

6.NS.2. Fluently divide multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm.

Learning Objectives:

Students will determine that a fraction can be seen as one number formed by division and construct various visual models to represent division problems.  Students will make sense of the long division algorithm. 

Learning Goals/Outcomes:

Students will learn how to:
  • Represent division of fractions using diagrams.
  • Divide whole and mixed numbers by fractions.
Mathematical Practices: Today’s lesson is to make sure that students are really making sense of the relationships between percents, decimals, and fractions. It is important that we emphasize attention to precision in student explanations. This lesson has students looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning. They describe the patterns that they see and identify both general methods and shortcuts for moving between representations of a given value.    It is really important that students take the time necessary to make sense of these problems and persevere in solving them. 
Essential Question(s) for the week:

  • How can I share it equally?
  • How do I know the portions are equivalent (the same)
  • How can I represent the relationship?
  • Can I represent it in another way?
  • What does it mean to divide?

Think Now/Number Talk
(10 minutes)
Think Now
(5 minutes)
Think Now/Number Talk
(10 minutes)
 My Favorite No
 My Favorite No
 My Favorite No
Whole Class/Whole Group        
 (25 minutes)

Whole Class/Whole Group       
(15 minutes)
Whole Class/Whole Group          
(25 minutes)
Lesson 6.1.1,  6-1 

Lesson 6.1.2, 6-15
Lesson 6.1.2, 6-17
Team Work (25 minutes)
Team Work (15 minutes)
Team Work (25 minutes)
6-2 to 6-4
6-18, 6-19
Independent Station/ Individualized Online Learning
(20 minutes)
Independent Station/ Individualized Online Learning
 (15 minutes)
Independent Station/ Individualized Online Learning   (20 minutes)
Closing (10 minutes)
Closing (10 minutes)
Closing (10 minutes)
Exit Ticket Independently
Exit Ticket Independently
Math Minute 43/44
6-5 to 6-14
6-21 to 6-25